Call 570-325-4000 Today And Ask Us About Our 0% APR 18-MONTHS Financing Offer
Providing Energy Solutions
Commercial | Industrial | Residential | Solar | HVAC | Generators | Electrical
Lehigh Valley, PA & surrounding areas…




0% APR 18-MONTHS on any Generator or HVAC Project over $1,000.00.

You’re one step away…
From experiencing award winning HVAC and electrical service.
What Our Clients Have to Say…
“Hi Walt, I just wanted to let you know that I’m very pleased with the service that was given to me. Both men were very knowledgeable, courteous and respectful. I have an electrical background, 35 years working for Con-Edison in Brooklyn, New York as a technician and working my way to supervisor. It would have been a pleasure to have your men working for me.”
Thanks, Edward C.